Sunday 8 January 2017

Self-Vow to Health and Fitness

Season’s Greetings to all!

Many of my family and friends who are receiving my daily health snippet have acknowledged the fact that staying healthy is indeed a way of life , especially in today’s times where people are health and diet conscious and fitness is the mantra for Good Life!

I strongly believe that if you must be happy and successful in life than health must be your topmost priority. If one is hale and hearty than half the battle is already won, isn’t it? Good health sails you over the challenges of life!

Health is important for every individual be it a new-born baby or a 60 plus individual. If your health is right everything falls in place. The mornings look so bright and beautiful, you are full of energy, vigour and enthusiasm and start your day on a happy-happy note.  All set to take on the world read tasks for the day that you have set in your minds and have to be accomplished by the end of the day.
Staying healthy does not merely mean staying fit physically but it also means being mentally and emotionally strong. Both physical and mental health goes hand-in-hand, one needs to have a tab on both to have an overall healthy Body and Mind. The 4 most important factors that lead to Health and Fitness are Physical health, Diet, Rest and Mental Health.

But unfortunately, my observation says that only a few people take good care of your health. This may be due to various factors like paucity of time, laziness, sheer ignorance or lack of determination.
One should seriously combat these frivolous excuses and stay focussed and pick up any physical exercise of your choice be it walking, cycling, swimming, gymming, yoga or indulging into your favourite sports and do follow it regularly for 45 minutes to an hour daily, a day or two off within a week is just fine, but no miss in the rest 5 days. Having a discipline is utmost important here, do keep a written record of the number of days that you been able to accomplish so that you are aware about where you stand at the end of the month. Some people also opt for a combo of two or more activities to cut out the boredom that erupts out of being monotonous. By taking up any of the physical exercise one is bound to get satiated with the feeling of wellness throughout the day, it also has a strong positive impact on your mental health. In fact the workouts can be made more interesting if you can also tag your friend or family along. Try as much to have your workouts outdoor as it offers stronger perks than when done indoors. When you are outdoors you stay connected with nature and can inhale fresh morning air under the sun. Exercise makes your heart stronger, which helps it pump more blood with each heartbeat. This delivers more oxygen to your body, which helps it to function more efficiently.

It has also been believed that exercise when done in the mornings has a greater and deeper effective impact on us. So, make a habit of hitting the bed early so that you avail your 7-8 hours of sleep which acts as an elixir for your mental health which makes you think/feel in a positive way and can benefit your health, weight and mind. A good night’s sleep plays a vital role in building your body’s capacity to heal and repair and enhances your immunity. Sufficient sleep will also aid in helping you wake up at the desired time in the morning, as per the old saying early to bed early to rise.

With regular physical exercise please also have a check and control over what you consume. If after a hard workout you come back home to gulp down the ghee-laden parathas or gorge on handful of sweets or have restaurant food on regular basis than all the workout goes down the drain, this is neither acceptable nor will yield the desired results. It will simply zeroise the effect of your workout & leave you where you were. Oily-greasy, high caloried, junk and sweets are very good to taste however have a bad effect on our heart and our overall health. Whilst you may indulge into your favourite unhealthy food occasionally to satiate your taste buds, but must strongly restrain yourself for your own betterment. This self-control over the diet is completely mind-driven, you will attain this with great determination. Choose healthier alternatives like boil, bake, grill, steam and microwave or stir- fry instead of deep frying. Some people abruptly plan to go for strict/crash dieting without any consultation which personally is not a way of life as we should have all types of food be it proteins, carbohydrates, fats but in moderation, so the key here is moderation.

Along with physical health possessing a sound mental health is equally important. The basic nature of the mind is to keep wandering. Your mind first thinks and lets you know what it desires, here is where the first sapling of an idea or productivity is sown then we keep nurturing the same so that it blossoms and bears the fruits in form of love, happiness, success and accomplishments. Mind can be kept calm, positive and in control with meditation and various yoga breathing techniques(Pranayam). You must have encountered anxiety, sadness, frustration, fear, envy at some point of time in life, Mediation and Pranayam are effective in eradicating these negative traits out of your mental system. Keeping this in mind , we should set aside a few minutes of our time to practice Pranayam. It helps reduce the effects of stress on your body, encourages relaxation. It increases enthusiasm, vitality and work efficiency, improve your heart rate and increase your overall endurance.

You will feel rejuvenated, positive and have a great zeal in whatever you do.

What are you waiting for? Do take a self-vow to good health so that you live an enriched, happy and joyous life which is full of energy!