Wednesday 14 September 2016

Happiness is within!

Well we often discuss about what makes us happy! But have you ever thought what exactly happiness is? Yes Happiness as they say is a state of mind where you are contented from within, you believe you are on the top of the world, you see everyone and everything  with a positive view, you know that things are absolutely under your control, the way you desire it. You wish to keep this moment standstill, retain it under your palms. The meaning of happiness actually differs for different people, the simple reason being everyone is not alike. What matters to you may not matter to me and vice versa! Yeah howsoever weird it may sound but that’s a fact.

For a one year old toddler happiness is seeing mom, for a 3 year old happiness is savouring a chocolate bar, for a five year old it’s having fun with other kids, for a 7 year old its visit to amusement park, for a ten year old happiness is surfing the net and playing online games, for a fifteen year old its hanging out with friends. As the kid grows up and moves to a college again the definition for happiness changes then its making new friends, enjoying chatting with them, following the latest fashion trends, being mischievous and pulling each other’s leg.

After one is done with the education, then comes the next target of acquiring a good lucrative job. When one achieves the dream job it’s yet another milestone reached and a reason for triumph. Then comes the next phase in life, marital bliss. This is the beautiful phase wherein you want to share your life with someone you love, with someone whom you connect and are compatible with. After marriage kids follow which bring joy, love and teach one the meaning of unbiased and unconditional love! We once again become kids in the company of our own kids.. What an eternal feeling it is.
But in all this have you ever noticed that we are constantly worrying and doubting ourselves if as to whether we will be in a position to accomplish our dreams? We know what we want, we know how to achieve it then why does the fear keep lurking us. One has to learn to be confident and have complete self –faith in the journey called life where you are always on your toes to reach your destination. With hard work accompanied with sincerity one has to hold a strong determination in the mind. In our gist of achieving the bigger milestone we often forget the small joys that life has to offer. For example, when we are working hard towards cracking an exam while we are constantly focussing on the end result we conveniently ignore the internal exam results where we would have excelled our past records. Why can’t we celebrate this mid-term results? This celebration can push us forward to achieve a higher goal. Likewise we can easily disintegrate our ultimate milestone into smaller ones, celebrate whenever we have achieved satisfactorily. We should basically try to celebrate our journey towards success rather than merely celebrating the end result. Have a close look at the baby who has just started walking on its own. It doesn’t learn to walk overnight, it first learns to crawl then sit, then takes support of something to stand and finally gains balance and confidence to stand on its own feet without any support. Every time the kid learns a new thing it has a sense of contentment and is overjoyed by its own effort, as adults we are so lost in our maturity that we have forgotten to celebrate small joys in our life.

Who doesn’t want to be successful in life? However people have actually started determining their source of happiness with the success you achieve. Success can be one of the reasons for our happiness but don’t let it be the only reason. Life is full of diversity, if you are not an expert in one thing you can always opt for something else that interests you rather than sulking over the spilled milk.

Detoxification of your system from within is necessary, expunge all the negative traits like jealousy, envy, fear and guilt. These negative things go a long way to hamper your growth as a person and ultimately affect your happy space.
Staying in the company of positive people is important for they are the one that always encourage you and cheer you come what may! They are the driving force of life, they make you feel important and spread an aura of optimism. 

Be exuberant and have zeal for life!Stop worrying over trivial things, soak in the happiness and celebrate life!